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Websites for 10/30/01

I found this really cool site, maybe something to do for Halloween.
Check out these Corn Mazes
for more
the picture is cool on this one in Sterling, IL 1

Rick and Steve the animated adventures of the hottest gay Lego couple out there for more

Anyone wondering what to do with all these god-forsaken AOL disks? Me neither, but someone has..
This guy wants to return 1 million at once for more

There are a number of Virtual Museums of people who collect them
1 2 3 4
or you can buy one of the free disks, for as much as $80 on ebay!!
for more

And to wrap up the day before Halloween, Before the kiddies rush out in Pokemon, or Harry Potter, or whomever is fashionable, take a look back at Welcome Back Kotter or a Joanie loves Chachi costume.
for more

p.s. who told these people that an impossible-to-have-peripheral-vision-mask and a plastic poncho, was a costume??? I may continue this in the Rants section, in fact I think I will... see here

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