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Seth's List for 11/18/02

I was in a smartass mood last week, so when someone sent me one of those emails where you "share" I did... The people on the email liked it, so I figured I would post it.

1. What time is it? 7:92 I really need to get this clock fixed

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate? Seth Rosner, Prince of
Fucking Darkness

3. Nickname: Hey You

4. Parents' names: My parents didn't believe in names. Felt labels were
constraining to creativity. My mother called herself Pencil and my father
was Yellow.

5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 72 my friends are dyslexic

6. Date that you regularly blow them out: June 6th, my birthday is in
J anuary, so they are pretty well melted by then.

7. Hair color: yep, pigment and everything

8. Tattoos: I have a big anchor tatooed on my ass that says welcome aboard

9. Rate your job on a scale of 0 to 10: I would say a 7, I mean where else
can I sit and waste time doing these emails.

10.Favorite color: teapot

11. Hometown: I have no home :-( thanks for bringing up a painful memory, are you happy now?

12. Current residence: the cardboard box just 2 vents down on the NW corner of wacker and monroe.

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