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Seth's List for 02/26/02

Today's Joke:
One day a man is having a terrible day of golf. At the first hole he hooks the ball out into the rough. As he wanders through the rough, he finds another golf ball. Not thinking, he picks it up and puts it in his pocket. On his very next swing he slices off into the rough again. As he wanders off to find his ball, he finds another lost golf ball and pockets it like the first.

This continues for the entire front nine. Finally, after finding 10 or so golf balls, he decides to call it a day and head home. On his way home he stops at the local Circle K to drown his sorrows with a Big Gulp. As he approaches the cashier, a young woman, he notices that she is staring at his crotch. He looks down and sees the bulges from all the golf balls he has collected.

"Oh, don't mind that," he explains to the cashier. "They're just golf balls."

The cashier replies, "Boy, if that's anything like tennis elbow, I'll bet it really hurts!"

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